Split rayyan reference list (pseudo)-randomly

Coralie Williams



When screening for a systematic review or meta-analysis, we conduct several pilot screening rounds. Pilot screenings help us refine our search string, decision tree, and increase the overall accuracy of our screening for literature reviews [check out this nice guide from members of the I-DEEL team for more info: Foo et al, 2021].

During a pilot screening, we want to select a random subset of references that would be a representative sample of the full set. When possible, screening rounds are conducted in collaboration with other reviewers. To speed up the screening process, we sometimes want to randomly allocate a subset of papers to a collaborator by splitting a reference list into subsets.

There are two reasons we’d want to automate the selection and splitting of a reference list:

1. It can be time consuming to select papers (\>100 papers is tedious to select by hand!)

2. We are not really good at selecting things at random (actually computers aren’t really good at selecting truly at random either\*)

There are several different ways we can (pseudo)-randomly split and assign a dataset, here are two functions.

Load functions

First step is to load the functions in your environment:

These are not available in a package unfortunately :(

# Load functions from github repo

You should now see them loaded in your global environment:

Example data: butterfly research articles reference list

An example list of references of papers in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology having the word “butterflies” in their title is used to demonstrate how to use the functions.

The reference list was searched on Web of Science on 04/12/2022 with the following search string: TI=((butterfl*)) AND WC=(“Ecology” OR “Evolutionary Biology”) leading to 677 search results.

Load example csv file that was exported from Rayyan :

articles <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coraliewilliams/2022/main/data/articles_butterfly.csv")

1. Get random pilot set

Let’s get a pilot set of 20 papers and use the function set.seed()* to be able to reproduce the same (pseudo)-random pilot set of papers:

getpilotref(articles, n=20)

Now get a pilot set of 20 papers again with the same seed and write it as a csv file to your working directory:

getpilotref(articles, n=20, write=T)
#> Pilot random sample set of 20 articles is saved as: pilot.csv

*The set.seed() function in R is like setting a “save point” for creating random numbers, ensuring the same “random” results can be reproduced each time you or someone else runs the code.

2. Split dataframe for collaboration

Firstly let’s try the default with equal splits across 3 collaborators, then 15 collaborators:

split3 <- random_split(articles, k=3)
split15 <- random_split(articles, k=15)

Now, secondly, let’s try with providing proportions for each split, for example when one collaborator has more time than the others:

split3_uneq <- random_split(articles, 3, eq=F, p=c(0.5,0.25,0.25))

Save manually files as csv:

# save each split from reference list as dataframe
rand_split_list <- random_split(articles, 3, eq=F, p=c(0.5,0.25,0.25))
split1 <- data.frame(rand_split_list[1])
split2 <- data.frame(rand_split_list[2])
split3 <- data.frame(rand_split_list[3])

# save files
write_csv(split1, "~/PhD/1_Sim/2_SysReview/screening/simstudies_split1.csv", na="")
write_csv(split2, "~/PhD/1_Sim/2_SysReview/screening/simstudies_split2.csv", na="")
write_csv(split3, "~/PhD/1_Sim/2_SysReview/screening/simstudies_split3.csv", na="")

Or use the write=T argument to save automatically all files as csv in your working directory:

rand_split_list <- random_split(articles, 3, eq=F, p=c(0.5,0.25,0.25), write=T)

Check that the function throws a useful error message when given incorrect arguments:

random_split(articles, k="abc")
random_split(articles, k=100000)
random_split(articles, k=-2)
random_split(articles, k=1.5)
random_split(articles, k=3, p=c(0.2,0.3,0.5))
random_split(articles, k=2, eq=F)

Any issues, feedback or comments:




Ouzzani, M., Hammady, H., Fedorowicz, Z., & Elmagarmid, A. (2016). Rayyan—A web and mobile app for systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews, 5(1), 210. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-016-0384-4

R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL https://www.R-project.org/.